Tour locations

All Alnwick Castle images used by kind permission

Tour locations...

The following is a list of the locations for my standard guided tours. Although the list is extensive and you are almost certain to find a tour that suits your needs, if you don't see what you are after, please get in touch to discuss your bespoke tour itinerary.
Northern Tour Guide Newcastle City Walk

Newcastle City Walk

The city at the heart of the North East.

A rich history going back to Roman times and the place where Hadrian started his wall. This former centre of the Industrial revolution is now an exciting developing city.

Let me surprise you with tales of invention, historic visitors and of stunning buildings.  

A visit to the Angel of the North and/or a tour through Tynemouth to Seaton Delaval can be added to the coach tour.

Half day walking or half day coach panoramic tours.
Northern Tour Guide Durham City

Durham City

Visit the UNESCO world heritage sites of Durham Cathedral, Castle and palace green.

The Cathedral built between 1093 and 1133 is the resting place of three Northern saints, Cuthbert, Oswald and Bede and is surrounded by Durham University buildings.

Durham Cathedral is also the filming location of Harry Potter, Avengers Endgame and Elizabeth.

A walk around Durham City has some hidden surprises and great characters to discover.

Half day walking with/without Cathedral tour.
Northern Tour Guide Northumberland Coast

Northumberland Coast

What I like to call the Castles and Coast trail.

The North Sea coastal defences in the form of breath taking castles have a history of their own.

We will pass through the designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, see the coastal villages of Alnmouth, Amble, Seahouses and Bamburgh with views of the small Farne Islands. Sir David Attenborough called the Farne Islands his favourite place in the UK to see 'magnificent nature'.  

Optional visit to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, depending on the tidal crossing times.
Northern Tour Guide Alnwick Castle

Alnwick Castle

The historic capital of Northumberland and the home of the Percy family for over 700 years.

Hear about the history of the castle construction and visit the magnificent Italianate state rooms.
Filming location for Downton Abbey, Harry Potter, Transformers Last Knight, Dungeons and dragons.

Options also available;
A walk around Alnwick Town.
A walk around Alnwick Garden.

Image © Alnwick Castle
Used by permission
Northern Tour Guide Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall

The Roman Empire extended into Britannia from 43BC to 410AD.

What did the Romans do for us? Let me tell you about their influence and how they changed this land while you see the remains of Emperor Hadrian’s wall.

Group coach tour along Hadrian’s wall to milecastle 42 with chosen fort/museum tour.

Individual fort tours for smaller groups.
Northern Tour Guide Newcastle Dark Tales Walk

Newcastle Dark Tales Walk

The dark past of Newcastle history.

Tales of pestilence, murder, hauntings, witch trials and hangings.

A Halloween version of this tour is also available for groups.
Northern Tour Guide Norther Saints Locations

Northern Saints Locations

Visit sites in the North East associated with the Anglo-Saxon Northern Saints: Aidan, Bede, Cuthbert,  Oswald, Hilde and Wilfred.

Follow their journeys and stories. This can be for one saint or an overview of all their stories.

Site visits can include the Holy island of Lindisfarne, Bamburgh, Jarrow, Durham, Hexham and Hartlepool.

Group tours by coach or small group/individual site tours.
Northern Tour Guide Catherine Cookson Country

Catherine Cookson Country

Follow the story of Catherine Cookson’s life in Jarrow and South Shields.

See filming locations of the tv adaptions of her books while enjoying the culture of this area.
Image: Orangeaurochs
Northern Tour Guide Cake and Culture

Cake and culture

A more relaxed tour of North East England.

Enjoy any of my tours with a break for a morning cake and coffee stop, or end the tour with a delightful afternoon tea.

We can also stop for shopping too!
Northern Tour Guide Vera Locations By Orangeaurochs from Sandy, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom - Jarrow Hall, Jarrow, Tyne and Wear, CC BY 2.0,

Vera filming locations

Group tour of 'Vera' filming locations in Northumberland, including stories of when I was involved in filming as an acting extra.

A behind the scenes view of filming along with the history of the series.